Tender No: 
Location: Erbil, Baghdad, Mosul, Basra
Tender Package Available from: 2024-10-21
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2024-11-04 at 17:00 (Iraqi Time)


Terms of references

Climate change Situation Analysis


1. Presentation of Terre des Hommes Iraq

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is a prominent Swiss organization dedicated to child rights. Since its inception in 1960, Tdh has been committed to improving the future for children and youth, particularly those facing significant risks. With a presence in over 30 countries, Tdh leverages innovative and sustainable solutions to make a meaningful impact.


Tdh initiated its operations in Iraq in December 2014, focusing on the urgent needs of children and youth aged 9 to 22 who were affected by the ISIL crisis from 2014 to 2017. Since then, Tdh has been actively engaged in Child Protection (CP) and Education activities in Ninewa, Baghdad, and Anbar. The organization has also conducted Access to Justice (A2J) initiatives in Kirkuk, Salah al-Din, and Baghdad. Tdh's comprehensive response includes a variety of services such as awareness-raising, case management, referrals, psychosocial support, specialized mental health services, catch-up classes, and teacher training.

2. Background and rationale

Iraq has been ranked as the fifth-most vulnerable country to climate breakdown, experiencing severe impacts such as soaring temperatures, irregular and diminished rainfall, intensified droughts, water scarcity, frequent sand and dust storms, and flooding. In Southern Iraq, climate change is causing profound environmental degradation, primarily due to reduced water flow in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and increasing seawater salinity. This has led to widespread desertification, with once-fertile agricultural lands turning into desert and biodiversity-rich marshlands suffering significant degradation. Water scarcity is worsening these issues, leading to declining water quality and increased salinity that further compromise agricultural productivity. Political instability and ongoing conflicts have exacerbated these challenges, causing fierce disputes over scarce resources and leading to social unrest.[1]

For Tdh globally, the climate crisis is a critical child rights issue, with climate change profoundly affecting children's well-being. Millions of children are already suffering, and 2 billion are at risk from climate-related hazards such as floods, droughts, and air pollution. The impacts of climate change, combined with environmental degradation, conflict, and poverty, worsen food, water, and economic insecurities, exacerbate health disparities, limit access to essential services, and increase displacement and institutional challenges. Committed to advancing children's rights and well-being, Tdh recognizes the need to protect the planet as the source of life for future generations. The organization’s commitment includes 4 organizational goals which are:

  • Integrating climate change considerations into its Health, Migration, and Access to Justice programs,
  • Reducing its carbon footprint by 50% by 2030,
  • Advocating for children’s rights in the context of the climate crisis
  • Enhancing internal understanding of climate impacts on children.

Therefore, Tdh Iraq aims to broaden its focus in its upcoming 2025-2028 country strategy to align with these global commitments. As well as the organization seeks to implement projects designed to strengthen community resilience against the risks posed by climate change in Iraq.

3. Objective of the Situational Analysis

General Objective:

Tdh Iraq is set to conduct a Climate Change Situation Analysis to assess the current impact of climate change on children and how these issues align with Tdh's priorities. The analysis will review stakeholders, government policies, and relevant programs in Iraq.

Specific Objective:

  • Overview of the level of environmental degradation in Iraq and its effects.
  • Analysis of children and families' vulnerabilities to and negative effects of climate change in relation to (Protection, health and WASH, Migration).
  • Assess the impact of climate change on child health outcomes.
  • Explore Economic vulnerabilities (Impact on agriculture, food sector, loss of livelihood) and social vulnerabilities (community tensions, social practices negative impacting mitigation and adaptation, gender vulnerabilities associated to CC.).
  • Identify community-based resilience mechanisms, their mandates and gaps (if any).
  • Review and analyze existing legal and policy frameworks governing climate change in Iraq and the current administrative practices, including international conventions, national laws, and local regulations, and bilateral and multilateral agreements.  Update on Iraq’s achievement to its global commitments including Paris Agreement for 2030.
  • Identify existing platforms and processes to which Iraq is a party that address climate change and climate induced migration (if any)
  • Identification and analysis of key stakeholders in Climate Change, including potential partners such as governmental bodies, multilateral and bilateral organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), the private sector, youth organizations, youth-led groups, and academic institutions, whose priorities and strategies specifically address Climate Change issues affecting children and young people. The study will entail mapping key interventions, and describing approaches used by other stakeholders.
  • ffer recommendations on how Tdh can enhance and integrate climate change considerations into its programs more effectively.

4. Methodology

The consultant should identify and clearly describe the relevant methodology to undertake for the successful addressing of the specific objectives stated in section three and delivery of this situation analysis in their technical proposal. The analysis should adopt a mixed-method cross-sectional design. This will draw from existing data and records; desk review as well undertake primary data collection focusing on qualitative information.

5. Audience and use of finding

The findings of this analysis will be used to enrich the knowledge and understanding of the climate change context in Iraq. It will also contribute to strategic program design and to identify appropriate and relevant interventions for children, youth, and families affected by climate change. Although the documents will be used internally, it might be shared with relevant stakeholders such as NGO working group members and/or local authorities.

6. Key sources – target groups and people to be consulted

This climate change situation analysis should cover Iraq (GOI and KRI). The general understanding should come from actual stakeholders in the sectors of environment, migration, health, protection, education, and home affairs, including local authorities, national authorities, community members, local and international NGOs and any other relevant stakeholder based on the stakeholder analysis will be carried as a part of the consultancy.

If possible, consult with persons who can be considered as climate migrants (Specially children and youth) to understand their current circumstances in Iraq and KRI.

7. Ethical considerations

The consultant is obliged to respect the following ethical and child protection requirements:

  • Conflict of interest: The consultant must demonstrate the necessary independence and declare any conflict of interest and potential biases, including bias towards any of the stakeholders, target groups, types of methodologies or approaches, social, political, or religious prejudice.
  • Based on rights and ethics: The consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and Tdh’s Child Safeguarding Policy. The analysis must ensure age-appropriate, safe, non‐discriminatory participation; a process of free and un‐coerced consent and withdrawal and confidentiality of participants. The informed consent of each person (including children) participating in data collection should be documented.
  • Respect ‐ The consultant will respect the variety of children’s experiences, cultural backgrounds, and perspectives;
  • Beneficence ‐ The consultant will promote the wellbeing and interests of children and ensure that the study benefits them.
  • Non‐maleficence ‐ The consultant will ensure that the study does no harm, either through action or omission, and puts in place measures to mitigate any possible harm to all participants, but in particular children.
  • Justice ‐ The consultant will balance the burden of participating in the study and its benefits to ensure there is justice for children.

8. Time frame

The expected starting date for the consultancy is the 10th of Nov 2024, and it should be finalized within 6 weeks. The below suggested time frame is to clarify the milestones of the consultancy:


Due on

Submission of proposals

4th of Nov


10th of Nov

Inception report

24th of Nov (2 weeks from contracting)

First draft

7th Dec (4 weeks from contracting)

Final Report and PPT

21st Dec (6 weeks from contracting)

9. Deliverables

During and by the end of this consultancy, the below deliverables should be met:

  • Inception report clarifying the methodology will be used for the analysis.
  • A draft of the situation analysis.
  • The final report includes the below:
    • A situation analysis report of a minimum of 20 pages, without annexes shall be submitted to the Tdh-L Iraq delegation including a clear Report structure (An executive summary, table of contents, introduction, methodology, the findings, recommendations, and list of annexes, abbreviations, tables, figures, pictures).
    • PowerPoint Presentation reflecting the main findings of the analysis.
  • Annexes shall be included as sees fit.

10. Profile of the consultant (team): qualifications and experience

The lead consultant and the core research team should be collectively meeting the below criteria:

  • The lead consultant should have a post-graduate or equivalent qualification/degree in Social Science, Human rights, Enivornmental Science, Development Studies, Humanities or any other relevant discipline. Excellency level of analytical expertise in country/ sector would be prioritized. 
  • At least 7-10 years of prior relevant experience.
  • Proven sound experience on drafting similar deliverables (climate change analysis, situation analysis, context analysis, stakeholder mapping, donor mapping, risk analysis and problem analysis). 
  • Proven skills in producing evidence-based reports on climate change sector.
  • Strong research and analytical capacity for conducting literature reviews and synthesizing information into actionable recommendations. 
  • Knowledgeable and familiar with the context in Iraq.
  • Excellent written and speaking skills in English and Arabic.

11. Application procedures

Local and international firms/individuals that are interested in implementing this assignment are Invited to submit a proposal. Applicant to ensure all the required permissions such as Visa, and right to work in Iraq. The estimated duration for the assignment is 6 weeks. Each proposal should be typed in 12‐point font and submitted no later than 5:00 pm Iraq Time on Nov 4th, 2024. The proposal submission should include each of the following sections in the specific order listed below to be considered for this consultancy:

  • A technical offer comprising:
  1. Understanding of the specific objective of the study and the Terms of Reference (ToR).
  2. Methodology and tools proposed.


  • A Financial offer with a budget detailed by item (fees, other costs).
  • An updated and detailed CV of the consultant/firm and the team involved.
  • Registration is needed for registered Firms or Associations.
  • Sign & Stamp Terms of Reference.
  • An example of a similar analysis carried out.
  • Contacts of 3 references.


Please send all questions and the submission documents to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Each proposal should be typed in 12‐point font and submitted no later than 5:00 pm Iraq Time on Nov 4th ,  2024.

12. Payment Terms & Method:

Payment will be made through several installments:

  1. The first installment is 50% upon the submission and approval of the draft report.
  2. The second and final installment is 50% upon the submission and satisfaction of:
  • A final report in English.
  • PowerPoint presentation with the main findings of the analysis in English.
  • Data collection tools and related materials.
  • All raw data and databases from primary data collection.


Payment Method: exclusively will be Paid through Cheque or Bank transfer or Hawala.

13. proposal evaluation and selection criteria:

The evaluation of the proposals will be based on the following criteria:


Evaluation type


Technical Evaluation. This includes but is not limited to: Appropriateness of the overall strategy and approach, appropriateness of the proposed sampling method and size, appropriateness of the proposed data collection methods, the proposed team is appropriate in size and the team members' qualifications for the assignment, timeline plan/work plan includes all the key steps of the study process and meets the deadlines specified in the ToR, description of how ethical, child protection and gender equality considerations will be taken into account in the study process, …etc)


Financial Evaluation




[1] IOM Iraq - Migration, Envornment and Climate Change in Iraq

Tender's Files