Tender Title: Enhancing Water Supply in Betase and Avrike - Drilling Deep Boreholes and Extending Pipelines
Tender No: IRQ-LWF-TENDER-2024-004
Location: Duhok/Betase village, Avrike.
Tender Package Available from: 2024-09-26
Deadline for Offer Submission: 2024-10-23 at 15:00 (Iraqi Time)


Dear Contractor,

THE LUTHERAN WORLD FEDERATION IRAQ invites you to tender for the Enhancing Water Supply in Betase and Avrike: Drilling Deep Boreholes and Extending Pipelines

Only general contracting companies from Class 1 to Class 7 are qualified to participate in this tender.

Please read the tender dossier carefully and submit your bid to the address mentioned in the tender dossier on page 1, no later than Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, at 3:00 PM.

You can find attached:

1- Tender dossier

2- Acknowledgement letter

Good luck to everyone!

Best regards,


Tender's Files