NGO Information Triangle Generation Humanitaire

Contact Name HR
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Address 1 Erbil
Address 2 Erbil
Location:  [Erbil,Iraq ]
Contact Phone

Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) designing and implementing emergency, post-emergency and development programs. The programs fall within the fields of water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH), civil engineering (Shelter), food security, rural development (Livelihood), socio-educational and psychosocial activities (Protection). In 2014, its committed teams operate in 10 countries and manage 43 programs.


TGH is working in KR-I since 2013, mainly in the provision of socio-educational and psychosocial services to refugees and IDP children. TGH is currently operating with a national partner an informal Learning Centre in Daratu area of Erbil, providing educational and psychosocial services to Syrian refugees’ and IDP’ children. TGH has also implemented emergency WASH activities and winterisation distributions in Erbil governorate, and is currently implementing a food security and cash for education project in Erbil governorate.