NGO Information Handicap International

Contact Name HI Recruitment
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Address 1 Erbil
Address 2 Erbil
Location:  [Erbil,Iraq ]
Contact Phone





Outraged at the injustice faced by people with disabilities and by vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity.

Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ».

HI, Humanity & Inclusion is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


Since the organisation was first founded in 1982, we have set up development programmes in more than 55 countries and responded to many emergencies. Today we have a budget of around 150 million euros, with 3500 employees worldwide.


For more information, please visit:




Handicap International operations in Iraq:  HI has been registered and operational in Iraq since 1991 and has become a lead implementing agency in the emergency response in the Health and Protection sectors, operating across Ninewa, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Sulemaniyah and Diyala Governorates. Since 2014, HI has scaled up its intervention in Iraq to respond to the humanitarian needs generated by the capture of territory by the IS-group, subsequent military operations and the widespread displacement of Iraqi populations.


In line with HI Iraq’s Operational Strategy for the period 2017-2020, the global objective of HI programming in Iraq is to Enhance the protection and resilience of conflict-affected communities in Iraq; an objective achieved through an operational framework of three central pillars:


  1. Arms Risk Reduction: Reduce the impact of the Conventional Weapon (CW) and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) for conflict-affected populations through Risk Education and land release


  1. Health: Improve access to specific services for the most vulnerable people whose physical and functional and/or psychological integrity is compromised, through the provision of physical rehabilitation and Mental Health/Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services


  1. Access to Essential Services: Ensure equal access to essential services, protection and basic needs for all conflict-affected populations, including persons with disabilities


These pillars are complemented by three cross-cutting themes: a comprehensive approach to mine action, inclusion mainstreaming, and protection mainstreaming.

Bids & Tenders

Aghsan - Mony transfer

Tender Title: Mony transfer Tender No: 5 Location: Baghda...

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IOM - Independent Review of IOMs EDF Grant Management related Internal Control Systems Data and Processes

Tender Title: Independent review of IOMs EDF Grant Management related In...

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Aghsan - Stationery

Tender Title: stationery Tender No: 4 Location: Baghdad ...

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MC - Consultancy Service for MFIs Credit Risk Management Training for PERMA II

Tender Title:  Consultancy Service for MFIs Credit Risk Management Train...

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HAI - Provision of Foods items for HAI Mosul Office

Tender Title: HAI-Provision of Foods items for HAI Mosul Office ...

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ARD - Car with Driver Services

Tender Title: Invitation to bid -Car with driver services Tend...

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